People Search / Mug Shots is a public records aggregator that collects and organizes police, civil, criminal and court records from every available jurisdiction in the country. The unique search engine allows users to access public records about criminal histories and other court proceedings.

TruePeople Search

Free site to help you find people


Spokeo is a people search engine that organizes white pages listings, public records and social network information into simple profiles to help you safely find and learn about people.


The most comprehensive people search. Pipl is the place to find the person behind the email address, social username or phone number.


Free public records searches by Black Book Online of federal, state and county public records. Conduct a free background check with free criminal records

SSN Validator

Validate Social Security Numbers

UK People Search (

People search in the UK

Family Watch Dog

Family Watchdog is a free service to help locate registered sex offenders in your area.

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